International Low Temperature Plasma Community (ILTPC)
The ILTPC is an informal organization with an international membership of researchers from the field of low temperature plasmas (LTPs). The ILTPC, established in April 2020, has the goal of being a forum for communication, collaboration, and conversation for the LTP community. The ILTPC distributes a bulletin to its membership approximately once every 4-6 weeks.
The Newsletter was edited by Peter Bruggeman (University of Minnesota, USA) and Mark Kushner (University of Michigan, USA) through December 2023, and those Newsletters can be found below. Beginning in January 2024, the Newsletter will be edited by Gerrit Kroesen (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) and Thomas Mussenbrock (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany).
The new ILTPC Newsletter website is: Please consult the new website for information on submitting contributions to upcoming Newsletters.
Submissions to the newsletter and communications to the new editors can be sent to:
Join the ILTPC (and receive communications).